Terms and Conditions For Goods and Work Done

All goods (similarly called products) are sold and health related work (similarly called services), and information provided, and/or protocols and natural solutions/formulas, et al., is/are provided (sold) and/or done with a good faith effort to help people by Ahlpha Ministries natural health providers, but all involved in providing the goods and health work done do not take responsibility for any hurt, harm or danger that occurs to anyone that uses the goods or has health related work done for him or her. The efficacy of these goods and/or health related work done has not been confirmed by any government or other third party approved research. The goods and health related work done is/are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The goods and health related work is/are provided to be part of peoples efforts at self help, to improve their health and they are taking responsibility for determining the need for, or lack of need for, use of the goods and health related work they have done by providers related to this site. All goods and work done are provided “without prejudice” to the rights of the providers of the goods and work done at Ahlpha Ministries. Ahlpha is a private membership and ministry. All payments received are membership contributions to the ministry made by the one making the payment. These terms and conditions may be updated at any time at the full discretion of the principals at Ahlpha Ministries.